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tabs:cadaver_sniffing_dog [2019/05/10 11:36]
sheepish_loc removed
tabs:cadaver_sniffing_dog [2021/08/24 21:42] (current)
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-Listen for the rhythmic muting here and there. Every chord has some barring so just lifting that finger slightly should be enough muting +<code> 
 +How John plays it live, from renanjerk at Ultimate-Guitar
-D(?) |xx5557|+F#m         244222 
 +F#5/E       044000 
 +Dsus2       000230 
 +A/C#        040220 
 +C#m         446654 
 +Bm          224432 
 +G           355433 
 +C#          X4666X 
 +D7M/A       XX7779 
 +A7M/E       XX2224
-A(?) |Xx2224|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 +F#m F#5/E F#m Dsus2 A/C# Dsus2 
 +F#m F#5/E F#m
-Intro: Fm Dsus2 Fm+               C#m 
 +Hustle up the spiral stairs 
 +                 Bm 
 +See if anyone's left up there 
 +              G 
 +Teams on the scene from several stations 
 +             F#m 
 +Everybody, adjust your expectations 
 +                C#m 
 +Stray clumps of hair and blood and brain 
 +             Bm 
 +Fragments of bone in the drain 
 +                           G 
 +Rookies trying to keep the airway clear 
 +                  Bm           C# 
 +But the damage is too severe
 +               D7M/              A7M/E
 +Bring in the cadaver sniffing dog  
 +               D7M/              A7M/E
 +Bring in the cadaver sniffing dog  
 +               D7M/              A7M/E
 +Bring in the cadaver sniffing dog  
 +               D7M/              A7M/E
 +Bring in the cadaver sniffing dog  
-            C#m+ 
 +F#m                   C#m 
 +Army crawlers down ash wet floor 
 +Ready for war 
 +                  G 
 +Veterans on their hands and knees 
 +                   F#m 
 +Nobody's ready for days like these 
 +                               C#m 
 +Wait till you come up on the smoking wreck 
 +        Bm 
 +And even then you check 
 +      G 
 +Radio home all clean 
 +                     Bm                             C# 
 +If there were any survivors they've fled the scene 
 +               D7M/              A7M/
 +Bring in the cadaver sniffing dog  
 +               D7M/              A7M/
 +Bring in the cadaver sniffing dog   
 +               D7M/              A7M/
 +Bring in the cadaver sniffing dog   
 +               D7M/              A7M/
 +Bring in the cadaver sniffing dog    
 +F#m F#5/E F#m 
 +Here's how I do it 
 +Capo 2 
 +Em:     0220xx 
 +Emsus4: 0020xx 
 +C:      x32010 
 +Cmaj7:  x32000 
 +Bm:     224432 
 +Am:     002210 
 +F:      133211 
 +B:      224442 
 +Am9:    xx5557 
 +Em9:    xx0002 
 +Em  Emsus4 x3 
 +C  Cmaj7 x3 
 +Em  Emsus4 x3 
 +Em Bm
 Hustle up the spiral stairs Hustle up the spiral stairs
-             Bm +Am 
-See if anyones left up there +See if anyone's left up there 
-            G+F
 Teams on the scene from several stations Teams on the scene from several stations
-           Fm+Em
 Everybody, adjust your expectations Everybody, adjust your expectations
-            C#m+
 Stray clumps of hair and blood and brain Stray clumps of hair and blood and brain
-       Bm+Bm
 Fragments of bone in the drain Fragments of bone in the drain
-                     G+Am
 Rookies trying to keep the airway clear Rookies trying to keep the airway clear
-       Bm                    C#+F
 But the damage is too severe But the damage is too severe
-            D(?)               A(?     +Am B
-Bring in the cadaver sniffing dog +
-            D(?)               A(?+
-Bring in the cadaver sniffing dog +
-            D(?)               A(?+
-Bring in the cadaver (Bring in the cadaver) sniffing dog +
-            D(?)               A(?+
-Bring in the cadaver (Bring in the cadaver) sniffing dog+
-Fm D Fm+Am9 
 +Bring in the cadaver  
 +sniffing dog 
 +Bring in the cadaver  
 +sniffing dog 
 +Bring in the cadaver 
 +Sniffing dog 
 +Bring in the cadaver 
 +Sniffing dog 
 +[Insert sickass guitar solo over the intro chords, and the rest of the song is identical to the first half]
 Army crawlers down ash wet floor Army crawlers down ash wet floor
 Ready for war Ready for war
 Veterans on their hands and knees Veterans on their hands and knees
 Nobody's ready for days like these Nobody's ready for days like these
 Wait 'til you come up on the smoking wreck Wait 'til you come up on the smoking wreck
 And even then you check And even then you check
 Radio home all clean Radio home all clean
 If there were any survivors they've fled the scene If there were any survivors they've fled the scene
-Bring in the cadaver sniffing dog 
-Bring in the cadaver sniffing dog 
-Bring in the cadaver (Bring in the cadaver) sniffing dog 
-Bring in the cadaver (Bring in the cadaver) sniffing dog 
-Outro: Fm (lifting the barring finger every now and then)+ 
 +Bring in the cadaver  
 +sniffing dog 
 +Bring in the cadaver  
 +sniffing dog 
 +Bring in the cadaver 
 +Sniffing dog 
 +Bring in the cadaver 
 +Sniffing dog 
 +Em  Emsus4 x3 Em 
tabs/cadaver_sniffing_dog.1557513411.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/24 21:42 (external edit)