
pittsburgh, pa - club laga

From fail@llama.com Wed Jun 25 17:43:56 1997 Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 13:09:00 -0400 From: north dakota personified To: taboo6@themountaingoats.net Cc: inland@indiana.edu Subject: mountain goats show saw them in pittsburgh monday night. so amazing. i talked to john for about a half-hour before the set and it was so cool -- he answered all of my questions and was really interested in my comments. the set: (john comes out and yells "i'm john, i am the mountain goats, and i'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum, but i'm all out of bubble-gum!") i've got the sex ("i hate that invisible wall in front of the audience," he says, referring to that parabolic space where no one ever stands. "everyone come up to the front." no one does. "i COMMAND you to come to the front of the stage!" we move like lemmings, and i am directly in front of him. he is practically sweating on me. "do you want to hear and old one or a new one?" amid cried for "old ones!" some bloke yells for "going to georgia". "oh yeah, i'm going to play "going to georgia" now, as the second song in the set. i'm going to just shoot my wad now," shouts john sarcastically.) the recognition scene (my friend calles for "stars fell on alabama". john replies "ordinarally, i would never ever. but i'm really drunk.") stars fell on alabama ("who wants quiet songs?" one guy raises his hand. "i appreciate your honesty. who wants to see my bust another vein?" hands all raise.) queztalcoatl is born (someone yells for "orange ball of love" and mr. darnielle gives a lecture on how taking requests is like taking another life, only doing it to yourself. after much dramatization, he ends with "but i've been drinking since 4". ) orange ball of love (ignoring please for "cubs in five," he does "the companion piece to that song.") orange ball of hate alpha double negative: going to catalina (says something about the last song being written from the point-of-view of a woman. says he is trying to destroy the image of him as some guy who sits in his room all day or something .... ) going to georgia (the promoter comes up and tells him to stop soon, cause the radar brothers have to play (btw -- they are lousy). "has that been a half-hour already? well .... in the TRAVESTY known as inter-league play, the National League today proved once again their superiority as they Chicago Cubs CRUSHED the Chicago White Sox!) cubs in five that's it. 9 songs. john told me afterwards that he could have gone on all night if he wouldn't have been stopped. the only other time that ever happened, he said, was in london. sigh .... it was so almost-perfect. the setlist was not followed in any way. he had planned to play "west country dream," "sept 19 triple x love love," "snow crush killing song," and a bunch more. but i wasn't disappointed in any way. -john