here's whatcha missed folks...
- cutter
- sept 19th triple x love! love!
- i wonder where our love has gone
- feed this end
- goodbye to the new potatoes ++
- the mad clarinet *
- i corinthians 13:8-10
- then the letting go
- alpha gelida
- standard bitter love song #4
- maize stalk drinking blood **
- weekend in western illinois **
- minnesota **
- billy the kid and the dream of the magic shoes
- going to port washington
- doctor wu ***
- cubs in five
- snow crush killing song
- tell me on a sunday
- new star song
- raja vocative
- nine black poppies
- anglo-saxons
- beach house
- going to georgia
- no, I can't.
wow. now aren't you mad if you didn't come (and really damn glad if you
* a graeme jefferies (cakekitchen) song
** of full force galesburg (out june 10th, 1997!!!)
*** a steely dan song
++ note: john, trying to play things i didn't know, plays goodbye to the
new potatoes. what he failed to realize was that at the baltimore soundcheck
he played that very song....