thanks to kevin ricker. sun song G C the sun was a yellow eye in a blue face when you came over to my place and you said how things looked dead around here. well that's alright if things look dead around here, cause it's only a little while longer that things are gonna look dead around here. G C C D G and there are certain gardening skills that you don't have yet. G C D and there are certain gardening skills that you'll never learn. G C how to leave alone what's doing fine, G Em D how to mulch what's dying on the vine. G C G C D G there are certain gardening secrets you don't know. you said the soil looked nitrogen poor, well, don't you worry about the soil looking nitrogen poor. I think that's my problem if the soil is nitrogen poor. but for myself it looks kind of nitrogen rich. and there are certain gardening secrets you don't have yet. and there are certain gardening skills that you'll never learn. how to leave alone what's doing fine, how to mulch what's dying on the vine. there are certain gardening secrets you don't know. going to japan 5A - "A" shape, 5th fret 3A - "A" shape, 3rd fret (I'd just call it Bb, but that's not really it) 5A 3A A there's a north wind coming in and there's a west wind coming in and there's an east wind coming in and there's a strong wind blowing in from the south and there's a sweet metallic taste in my mouth. there's a dead feeling lingering over the wind. D G and there's a one-way ticket in my hot little hand G 5A 3A A and I'm kissing your eyelids and I'm going to japan. there's life and liberty on my tongue and there's a dead silence where the wind-chimes hung and on some mountain somewhere in the world it's snowing but here in the fields there's not a thing growing. maybe next year, ya know, there is a way of knowing. there's wind a wind coming in from all directions. there's a coat on my shoulders--midnight connections. and I'm kissing you and leaving you behind in the sand. I'm holding you a while then I'm going to japan. beach house D G A D I get letters telling me since I moved away you've taken to hanging out on that rock about a mile from shore given what I know about that rock mainly is that it's populated by seals I strongly suggest to you that you not hang out there anymore 'cause the seal is a wily and a vicious creature and the seal will bite you if you give him half a chance yeah the seal has a mind set on violence and the seal is the sworn enemy of man now when I say that the seal is vicious I use the term advisedly according to webster's 9th new collegiate definition for "V". which states that vicious means marked by feriocty and offers as a synonym...savage 'cause the seal is a vicious and a wily creature and the seal has a mind full of evil designs and the seal will harm you and laugh about it yeah the seal is not a creature you want to toy with yeah the seal is not a creature you want to toy with hello there howard Use the 3A from Going to Japan, above D the guy on my right is new 3A A and he says he feels kinda sad and his hands are cold D and he refuses the dice so I pick 'em up myself. I let 'em roll. and the little white spots gleam like stars and the guy on my right gets a look at the stickman and he begins to sense where it is that we are and the table's hot but so am I and I grab the bones and I let 'em fly. so come 2 come 3 come 4 come 5 come 6 come 7 come 9 it doesn't matter to me now 'cause I've got all kinds of time.