zopilote machine

title: zopilote machine
sic ait filius iuuenalis
at filius inscitus fuit
stultior diem ex die creuit
di magni, hic puer dolor est magno mihi
zopilote machine is a 19-song mater ferricrepina magna ferocia...
cool quotes:
the wood underneath would win and win till the end of time. of that
there was no doubt possible only the pain of hope perennially doomed to
disappointment. it was so clear. of course it was in the nature of the
wood to rot with age. the polish, it was supposed, would catch the rot.
but of course in the end it was the rot which imprisoned everything in
its effortless embrace. it did not really have to fight. being was enough
in the natural course of things it would always take the newness of the
different kinds of polish and the vaunted cleansing power of the
chemicals in them, and it would connvert all to glorious filth, awaiting
yet more polish again and again and again. and the wood was not alone.
--ayi kwei ARMAH. _the beautiful ones are not yet born_, chapter one.
kid you fell in the milk...
alpha incipiens
azo tle nelli in tlaticpac?
alpha sun hat
the black ice cream song
sinaloan milk snake song
we have seen the enemy
standard bitter love song #7
quetzalcoatl eats plums
orange ball of love
orange ball of hate
bad priestess
going to bristol
young caesar 2000
going to lebanon
grendel's mother
song for tura santana
alpha in tauris
going to georgia
quetzalcoatl is born
please mail any questions/comments/complaints, or just notes hello to:nall@themountaingoats.net