object lessons: songs about products

title: object lessions : songs about products

quote:On returning to my hometown of Claremont, California, on the occasion of a friend's wedding in July of 1997, i was greatly saddened to learn that the Bang Luck Market had closed. Since the early '80s the Bang Luck had been the only Asian market east of the San Gabriel Valley that could lay true claim to the title "Supermarket." They had it all at the Bang Luck: Filipino canned goods, Korean ramen, Thai medicinals, Vietnamese pickled jackfruit, Japanese candies, and Golden Boy Peanuts, which were remarkable for their packaging, for their country of origin, and for the inclusion of "salt" in the listed ingredients. I ate hundreds of them on numerous and diverse occasions, and I can assure you that no jury in the world would convict them of having been salted.

company: inconspicuous records

format: cd

  • the mountain goats - golden boy
  • the scene is now - grenadine
  • nothing painted blue - miracle thaw
  • men & volts - charlie brannock's device
  • vehicle flips - honeywell round thermostat
  • please mail any questions/comments/complaints, or just notes hello to:nall@themountaingoats.net